Andorran Translation Agency
We are one of the most important companies in the translation industry; located in Barcelona, and now also in Andorra. Our position is defined by years of experience, satisfied clients, ISO certifications, and recognition from independent bodies, such as the CSA.
From Andorra, we will ensure that your project reaches the whole world. We will ensure that it flows, that there are no obstacles, and that each recipient will feel like it was created specifically to meet their needs. Allow us to give you the benefit of our experience as professional translators, so that your ideas will reach any destination worldwide.

Our team of translators is multidisciplinary, meaning that its members are capable of taking on any kind of project.
We have 45 in-house professionals who have degrees in the field of translation and interpreting, and a network of more than 1000 external collaborators. In addition, thanks to the diversity that our staff brings, we have a pluralistic vision that includes different approaches to the translation process, and we can easily adapt your content to any cultural context.
Andorran Translation Company
Are you in Andorra and need to translate your documentation into another language?
We translate your documentation, software or marketing materials effectively, and we localize them to help you sell your products and reach your sales goals in those markets. Innovation always goes hand in hand with growth, and this is why we are committed to constantly improving our range of services, with new services like transcreation.
We have a team of translators and revisers from all over the world who are widely accredited, who are native speakers of the language they translate into, and who demonstrate that they have experience in their areas of specialization. Being a multi-disciplinary team, they are able to take on projects of any kind. We have translation assistance tools that enable us to guarantee consistency, and the agreed deadline and price. Your documentation, translated accurately, and on time.
You’ve created an innovative piece of software. It will be used worldwide. Users will love it, and it will simplify their lives, but this will only be achieved if the application speaks the same language as the user, and if it works as if it was created just down the road from them. At Treeloc Andorra, we localize your software, and adapt it to the language and culture of a specific country.
You’ve received documentation that you need to understand urgently, but which you are not going to publish. You have some highly technical manuals that do not have much commercial impact, but which, according to local legislation, need to be translated. You have a very tight budget, but you need to translate some material that will hardly ever be seen. If you find yourself in any of these situations, post-editing might be the solution for you.
Artificial intelligence, neural networks, and current computing capacities have made what seemed like fantasy a reality: texts translated to another language in seconds. Although the initial result is incorrect, a human professional edits it to make it correct. So, if you have a text that was initially correctly written (this is very important), which does not have any legal implications and will hardly ever be seen, it may be a good candidate for post-editing.
Select Your Industry
Specialist translation, localization, and post-editing services to give you the best solution for your needs. Select your industry and find out how we can help you. Discover services such as post-editing, transcreation, certified translation, website translation, e-commerce translation, document translation, audiovisual translation or restaurant menu translation.
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